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At the moment, there is no post-doctoral position available, but Felipe might support your application to PDRA funding schemes.

If you are interested in joining the group as a post-doctoral researcher, please indicate which funding schemes you have in mind when getting in contact with Felipe.

Some available postdoctoral fellowship schemes:
UKRI EPSRC postdoctoral Fellowships
BBSRC Discovery Fellowship
Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellowship
US-UK Fulbright Commission Scholar awards
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship
Royal Society Newton International Fellowship
Human Frontier Science Program
Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships
Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship (for German researchers)

SERB Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship (for Indian researchers)

Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship

CNPq Pós-Doutorado no Exterior (for Brazilian researchers)


At the moment, there is no PhD fellowship available, but Felipe might support your application to PhD fellowship funding schemes.


We welcome enquiries by email from potential PhD students from the UK and around the world who have (or are about to obtain) BSc and/or MSc/MScR degrees in Chemistry or a closely related subject.

Enquiries about joint PhD supervisions are very welcome! 

Some available PhD Scholarship schemes:
Alumni Postgraduate Research Scholarship (for Kent Graduates)
British Federation of Women Graduates Postgraduate Awards

Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund

Canadian Loans

China Scholarship Council (CSC)-Kent PhD Scholarships

Commonwealth PhD Scholarship (for high income countries)

Commonwealth Split-site Scholarship

Croucher Foundation Scholarships (for Hong Kong students)

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC

Fully Funded EPSRC Scholarships in Chemistry

Fully Funded Studentships in Physics

Marshall Scholarships (for US students)

Postgraduate Loans for Doctoral Study

Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

US Loans


At the moment, there is no MSc/MScR fellowship available, but Felipe might support your application to MSc/MScR fellowship funding schemes.


We welcome enquiries by email from potential MSc/MScR students from the UK and around the world who have (or are about to obtain) a BSc degree in Chemistry or a closely related subject.

Enquiries about joint MSc supervisions are very welcome! 

Some available MSc Scholarship schemes:
The Bestway Foundation Scholarship (for Pakistani students)

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