Dr Felipe Fantuzzi completed his MSc (2013) and PhD (2017) in Chemistry at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), supervised by Dr Thiago Cardozo and Professor Marco Nascimento. During his graduate studies, Felipe investigated the role of quantum interference in chemical bonds using modern valence bond methods and applied density functional theory and wave function-based methods to problems in astrochemistry and materials science.
After a post-doctoral stay at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA), working with Dr Simone Raugei on computational electrocatalysis, Felipe moved to Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany) as an Alexander von Humboldt post-doctoral fellow (2018) and then as research associate (2020). He worked with computational main-group chemistry at the Institute for Sustainable Chemistry & Catalysis with Boron (ICB) with Professor Holger Braunschweig and Professor Bernd Engels, where he investigated the electronic structure, bonding and reactivity of closed-shell molecules, biradicals and biradicaloids based on s- and p-block elements.
In 2019, Felipe was also a short-term visiting researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), working with Professor Frank Weinhold. In 2021, he joined the School of Physical Sciences at the University of Kent as a Lecturer in Chemistry.